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Know new main features added to Android 12L by Google

Google will soon be launching 12L, a new software update to improve the Android experience on large screens for multitasking, support, compatibility, and better-looking apps. At the Android Dev Summit, Google declared the soon-to-drop Android 12L after first hinting at a potential Android update in September 2021. According to Android Development Company Regina, it will be compatible with smartphones and…

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Internet Marketing, an Innovative way that Works Amazingly for your Brand

Online marketing or Internet marketing is growing in popularity nowadays. It involves internet-based digital technologies to reach the audience instantly. These techniques include websites, social media, search engine optimization, online videos, email marketing, paid search, online advertising, and more. It requires creativity and dedication to create brand awareness. If you want to promote your website through internet marketing, then the…

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Slow Website? Here are Some Easy Techniques to Increase Website Speed

If you have a slow-loading site, it takes you to start losing visitors. You must know about the reasons behind making your website slow. The online community loves fast-loading websites to save time and browse information quickly. According to Custom Software Development Company in Canada, there are many reasons why your site’s loading is slow. You are using a sub-par…

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Ten Tips to Help You Hire the Best Web Development Company

Today, every small, medium or large business owns a business website. There are many web developers around you, and choosing the right one needs some tips for getting the best service provider. Social media presence Check out their profile on social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. Today, most web developing companies have a great social reputation,…

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Know How Corporate Mobile Apps Support Companies

An organized work process and efficient Internet processes can further develop group effectiveness. Exploration shows that conveying corporate mobile applications expands worker usefulness by 40%. The connection between efficiency and enterprise applications is not difficult to clarify: for instance, if you connect all workers to a corporate messenger, rather than calling, faxing, or running between floors searching for one another,…

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Tips on How an Expert can Increase Organic Traffic

Nowadays, a business is not anything without a website. Purchasers depend on web crawlers for shopping, so you should have a powerful web presence. In any case, setting up a site is not the only thing you need to do. To get more clients, you need organic traffic. In this post, we will talk about how you can work on…

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AI for Web Development: Know How it can Revolutionize the Process

Artificial intelligence has been altering the digital environment by bringing a new dimension to what we call human "ease-of-living". AI can exhibit human- like behavior and intelligence by decreasing tasks for people and assisting them in optimizing their everyday processes. According to MS Comp Services Inc., a web development services company in Toronto, AI has played a significant role in many industries,…

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Valuable Tips on Building Popular Awareness for Your Brand

Digital marketing is the best system for building brand awareness for those who spend most of the time on the Internet. In addition to the fact that people discover new brands while participating in online activities, they also purposefully search for this data in their favored advanced spaces, like search engines, social media, and other content-issuing sites.  It's fundamental for…

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